Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thank you, Anna of Mima's Stomping Grounds

My internet friend, Mima, gave me this award for visiting her blog and making comments. Here is a link to her blog... Anna makes some wonderful cutting files for digital craft cutters. Take a look to see her awesome creations! Thanks, Mima.

If you own a blog, you know that comments ARE very motivating and appreciated. I am passing this award on to Amber Lisa Along with Anna, these two ladies are dear internet friends who leave comments regularly on my blog.

Thank YOU for visiting and sharing some love!


Mima said...

Thank you again for your warm comments, and God blessing and your Angels.

Amber H. said...

Wow, thanks Joanna! You are sweet! I like your new blog look too BTW :o)

Carol said...

This is such a relaxing blog. I love everything about it. Especially the pat on my back. Smile