Please remember there are many stops on this blog swoop in different time zones so if you find a stop without a post, please try back a little later. Thank you for your patience. : )
Blog roll:
Intro on SDD site blog and Asa with her dominos/ memory game:
Inspired By:
Humpty Dumpty: Crystal's Creations http://crystalcreationsbydesign.blogspot.com/
Humpty Dumpty: Cara /Sweet Tomato Designs - http://sweettomatodesigns.blogspot.com/
The Three Little Bears: Mandy King http://mybagofscraps.com/
The Three Little Bears: Jaya/Jaya Prems Hangout http://scraps-by-jayaprem.blogspot.com/
Cinderella: Alla http://allacik.blogspot.com/
Cinderella: Mila http://lumikscrap.blogspot.com/
Cinderella: Fanfan http://laruedesangesdefanfan.blogspot.com
Thumblina: Lisette-http://lisetescrap.blogspot.com/
Thumblina: Alegna/Angela -http://www.alegnas-world.blogspot.com/
The Ugly Duckling: Tish/Pixie Mama http://pixiemamadesigns.blogspot.com/
The Ugly Duckling: Tiffany/Inspired by Dominic Designs http://inspiredbydominic.com/blog/
Froggy Princess: Marie http://mariehdesigns.blogspot.com/
Froggy Princess: Belinda/Dylabel -http://dylabeldesigns.blogspot.com/
Little Mermaid: Gabs http://www.gabs-art.de
Little Mermaid: Brandi Sutherlin http://brandiscreativespace.com
Mary Poppins: Heather/Danospookie- http://danospookie.blogspot.com/
Mary Poppins: Tam/Digioverdose http://digioverdose.com/blog/
Mary Poppins: Bekah E http://bekahs-escape2scrapland.blogspot.com/
Scrappity-doo-dah Moderators:
Laura/Mom2triplets4 ~ http://creativetripletmom.blogspot.com/
Elaine Therese~ http://elainetherese.blogspot.com/
Claudio~ http://divadeldiseno.blogspot.com/
Christina/ThreeDogsandaBabyDesigns~ http://threedogsandababydesigns.blogspot.com/
Scrappity-doo-dah Site Creative Team:
Nance47~ http://nancedigiscraps.blogspot.com/
LaurenB~ and Kathryn http://www.laurenbdesigning.blogspot.com/
Missy /jrmminga~ http://jrmminga.blogspot.com/
Blondy~ and Toni Crystal's CT blog http://scrappinggems.blogspot.com/
Monica/ 2GirlsandaDog~ http://2girlzdesigns.blogspot.com/
YOU ARE HERE Joanna/Cutiejo1 ~ http://www.bainsbits.blogspot.com/
Valarie/Valarierog ~ http://www.fleurdescrap.blogspot.com/
Gladys/Glyss ~ http://glyss.blogspot.com/
HERE are the links to the clusters that I made:
Clusters made with A Fairy Tale: Be Who You Are by PixieMama Designs and Inspired by Dominic Designs.

Download this zip file at 4Shared
And the second set of clusters made with A Fairy Tale: Little Mermaid by Gabs Art and Brandi Sutherland.

Download this zip file at 4Shared
Beautiful clusters! Thanks very much for sharing.
merci beaucoup )))
Thanks for sharing =]
Thanks Joanna for sharing. I'm looking for Website design New York when I saw your site and get fascinated by your lovely work of art.
Please continue making such great things like this and keep us updated for your newest creation because we love to see your lovely works.
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