Monday, February 23, 2009

Valentine's Day School Parties

On Friday, Feb. 13th, both Jolene and Marissa had their Valentine's parties AT THE SAME TIME! It was the same for their Christmas parties. Oh well, I guess that is the price I have paid to have Jolene in afternoon pre-school :o(

First I am going to show you a few pictures from Jolene's Valentine party.

In the "big room" where the kids play on Friday (they play outside on Tuesdays)

This looks like so much fun. I never did this as a kid, as I am not sure they even had such cool stuff WAY back then :)

Cool craft time...

Movement songs with bean bags. Now I DO remember doing this kind of stuff as a kid!

On to Marissa's party. They exchanged Valentine's in special bags they had made earlier in the day. Then, they had ice cream later in the day (I wasn't there for the ice cream because I was picking up Jolene from school.)


This last picture I took of Marissa's table because her little friend, Jackson, is sitting at her table. Marissa kept asking me to take a picture of him. He is the one sitting with his head down, opposite of Marissa.

1 comment:

Mima said...

They seem like great parties. At least, you got a chance to get a few pictures and spend so time with each of your girls. They have a great Mom.