Many of you know about Etsy, an on-line site for sellers of handmade goods to sell their creations. But, if you have ever been there to sell something, you KNOW there is alot to learn. They have so many places to visit and things to do to help promote your shop. Well, I have been reading alot about how to do different things and recruiting the advice of some vetran Etsians and I have finally scored a treasury! You have to be on-line at very specific times in order to make a treasury. A treasury is a collection of someone's favorites or in this case, my team mates birthday listings. Most of them are cards, as quite a few of the ladies on the PD4U team are card makers. Please take a look and comment, if you would like...
1 comment:
I really should look into doing Etsy now that I haven't sold anything since ebay changed their feedback rules. Maybe I can pick your brain when I actually get up the gumption to try it! It sounds like you know so many things that I wouldn't even have a clue about! Have you had a lot of success?
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