I gave Marissa her gifts from her dad and I one by one throughout the day. Every hour or so she would beg for another one! LOL I only had five packages for her to open from us, but what helped was getting several packages via mail that day! One was from her Aunt Nettie, a coveted, but now owned, Webkinz monkey named Carly. One from her dad's brother and sister-in-law (Marissa's Thayaji and Thayiji), a beautiful burgundy and black dress. The last one I ordered from one of my eBay friends. It is a huge clothes pin made into a photo holder with a tear bear pasted on the front...too cute! Here is a link a similar one if you are interested...
I think Marissa's favorite gift was her Hannah Montana bag...
On Saturday, the Virdee family came over for dinner and the Hannah Montana concert on the Disney channel. The girls had a good time on a Webkinz scavanger hunt that I sent them on. Can you believe that Marissa has 16 of those silly things! I guess they really are not silly, but 16!! She likes all of the on-line playing more than the stuffed animal itself. Here are the girls during and after the scavenger hunt...
The Hannah Montana concert was a bust, at least with these four. They watched the first 15 minutes or so and then decided to go upstairs and play. Here is Marissa with her gift, a Baby Alive. She has been asking for one of these for a while, and she finally got one. :) (BTW, it seems like she has all of the other toys at the toy store!)
On Sunday, the Vangelov family came over for some Thai food and Mojitos. Myself, my husband, John, and Kelly really enjoy thai food so when we get together, thai food is a tradition. Marissa has a lot of fun with Lilly, the Vangelov middle daughter. Here she is with part of her gift from them.
And here is Kelly and Jolene...
And lastly, my dear husband having a little fun with the Hannah Montana wig...
That last picture is priceless! LOL! It looks like she had a great birthday! I like your new header BTW. Very cute :o) Isn't it sad to see your kids growing up?? Every birthday I just wish I could stop time! I don't want my little girls to grow up! She looks beautiful though!
Happy belated B-day Marissa!! I have some bad news....there is a rumor going around that Hanna Montana will be no more. :( she will no longer do concerts and her TV show. :( I would also like to say Disney denies it all.
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